Fondue Celebration Dinner

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Last night we had a fondue celebration dinner.  Why are we celebrating, you ask??  I got a new job!! WOOHOOO!  I am moving to another law firm and will still be doing some business development (as I am now) but I will also be doing a lot of events in the Chicago office.  I am SO EXCITED for this move.  I will definitely miss the friends I have made at my current job, but I think this is a really good opportunity for me to get back to doing something I am passionate about. 

So we had a lovely French/Swiss themed dinner last night with cheese fondue and champagne.  It was the PERFECT way to celebrate.  Note: I am eating only lettuce today though….

Here is how I made it:

1 clove garlic
1 cup (or more) dry white wine
1 lb. Beaufort, gruyere, swiss, or comte. (I used a mixture of all four)
1 tsp. nutmeg
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbs. Cornstarch  

We ate it with a crusty French baguette, granny smith apples, and pears. I suggest going ahead and cutting them up before starting the fondue because it goes very quickly once you start. 

Grate the cheese and set aside in bowl.  Rub the garlic clove around the pot then bring the wine to a simmer in it.  While the wine is coming to a simmer, toss the cheese in the cornstarch.  Slowly add the cheese to the wine, whisking in a figure 8 motion. (I added about a handful at a time and waited for it to fully melt before adding more).  Once all the cheese is added, add the nutmeg and salt and pepper.  Pour in a bowl to serve and voila!

If it starts to get cold just stick it in the microwave for about 30 seconds and it will be perfect! 

Happy fondue-ing :)

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