Organization: Filing and Organizing Papers

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Since it was so gross, rainy and cold (45 degrees!!!!) this weekend I decided to take the opportunity stuck in the house to organize all the papers that have been piling up unorganized in the beautiful desk we found at an antique store.  Since we got married, bought a house, started new jobs etc, we seem to have wayyyy more important papers that we must keep forever and ever.  

I pinterested ideas for how to organize everything and decided to use a colored system with the following categories:
  • Green- Banking and Bills
  • Yellow- Income and Taxes
  • Blue- Keepsakes and Important Docs
  • Red- Medical, Home and Auto
Once I came up with the large categories I sorted all the papers into very specific piles. Lots of piles only had a couple papers in them, i.e. voter registration which has only 1 lonely receipt. 
If you're planning to tackle this, your manila folders will be different but some of my favorites are:
  • Wedding cards
  • Love notes
  • Other cards to keep
  • Jewelry info and insurance 

Sidenote: I got a little carried away and made another file box with just my stuff including recipes, event and wedding planning materials, and hobbies. I am super excited about it!


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