Wedding Weekend: Bridesmaids Luncheon

Monday, March 9, 2015

I’ve decided to do a wedding weekend series and share one event a week with you all in hopes that by the time we get to the actual wedding day I will have the wonderful pictures back from my photographer, Lauryn Galloway, to share with you all. 

Friday was my Bridesmaid’s luncheon.  My stand-in grandmother, Tinsley, was so very kind and hosted it at The Country Club of Virginia.  I worked weddings there as an event intern many summers ago so it was very weird being back as a bride!

I knew the luncheon would be beautiful, classic, and feminine but I had no idea how perfect it would be until I walked in.  Everything from the room Tinsley chose to the gorgeous flower arrangements and pink napkins was so perfect I could have melted when I saw it! 

Here are a couple pictures of the set up with my gifts to my bridesmaids:

The delicious steak and spinach salad with grilled brie. Yumm!: 
These are my wonderful Bridesmaids.  Such a pretty looking group :)

And here is Luke's mom, Tinsley, my mom, Luke's grandmother, and Betsy. 

And the whole group! 

A million thank yous to Tinsley.  It was such a perfect event and I am so grateful for your love!

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