We made it to Chicago!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wow it's been a busy two weeks!

We are now Mr. and Mrs. Luke Kohler, we packed up my house, loaded the moving van, drove to Chicago in the crazy snow storm, and officially bought our first condo! There are obviously a lot of updates that need to be made but I wanted to first share our first night in our condo.

On Wednesday we packed up my house and got in the car to begin our 12 hour drive to Chicago.  Hoping to beat the storm, we drove as long as we could on Wednesday night and only stopped once the snow got so bad we couldn't see in front of us.  We pulled off and stayed at a Quality Inn at 1am, and oh, how "quality" it was....I took my silver in and slept with it.

We woke up at 5am the next morning and started our drive again.  This time we were the only people on the road except for a truck that refused to pass us so we decided they were following us to be sure we didn't die.  How nice of him. This is the view from our drive.

We arrived in Chicago at 2, went to close on our house and then "moved in".  I put quotes around that because we moved our air mattress in and that's about it.

Here are some of our first views coming into Chicago!

We set up our air mattress, lit a fire in our very own wood burning fire place, ordered Chinese food, and just took everything in.  We are married, we own a home, we live in Chicago!

This was my fortune.  I think it's pretty accurate :)

So that is our first night.  I will start posting different wedding events, honeymoon at The Homestead, and pictures of our condo soon!

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