The Longest Post Ever

Monday, August 24, 2015

It’s been almost 2 months since my last post and I feel I owe an explanation and an update. We have had more than a lot going on in our lives. 

Back in May, I went to the ER with excruciating hip pain and about a month later they found a tumor in my hip.  There were many doctor appointments, MRIs, X-Rays and prayers in between that time until finally they took it out on June 18th.  The surgery went great, they got the entire thing out and it was benign.  I have graduated from physical therapy and am back to 99% normal.  I even went on a run last week! 

Around the time we found out about the tumor in my hip, we found out the company where Luke works was being sold and he needed to start looking for work.  He worked his butt off connecting and meeting with people and accepted a wonderful position on Friday.  We are so relieved it is over!

I'm writing about everything now because it is all ok now.  God has thrown more our way than I think most new couples go through the first 3 years of their marriage, much less the first 6 months! We have sold a house, moved to another part of the country, left a terrible job (me), started a new job (me), lost a job (Luke), GOT A JOB (Luke),  gone to the ER, had surgery, omgosh…I’m tired just writing about it all.  We have tried to pray and be faithful and know that all of this is happening at one time for a reason (any ideas on that? We still haven’t figured it out) and you know what? Everything is fine!  Everything has worked out. Our marriage is stronger than ever and we know how lucky we are. 

We were able to go the beach with my family last week (Luke went for the whole week) and I hosted 35 creative entrepreneurs at my house to chat about business and network and encourage one another.  Oh yea, did I tell you I’m starting a wedding planning company?! I am, and I couldn’t be more excited.  More on that later (follow along on instagram @havilandevents) J In the meantime, here’s a picture from the beach: 

September 1st we are leaving for Europe for our Honeymoon!!! We are going to Paris, Rome, Perugia, and Dubrovnik.  Hopefully we will walk enough to counteract all the amazing food we’re going to eat!  Eek! I’m so excited!! And how about the timing?! I can walk and Luke has a job.  God can definitely plan well J  Anything we HAVE to do while we’re there?  We’ve been so busy that I haven’t even made an itinerary for the trip.  What?! Who am I?! Suggestions are much appreciated. 

So anyway, I think that is “all”. Here are some pictures of things we’ve been up to.  Anybody want to see the picture of the tumor?? Kidding, that’s disgusting. 

The Coles came to visit us in Chicago!