Weekend Recap: Bachelorette weekend in Savannah

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Last weekend 8 of my best girlfriends and I went to Savannah to celebrate the end of one chapter of my life and the beginning of a new one! It was such a wonderful weekend and I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends surrounding me during this time. It is so cool how excited they are for Luke and me!

We arrived Friday night after an 8 hour drive (with 5 girls in one car we had to stop A LOT!) We said hi to everyone and caught up/ introduced people who hadn't met before then rallied to go out and have a couple drinks.  Savannah is such a cool town and so full of history!  We had a late greasy dinner and went back to the hotel to crash.

The next morning we went to brunch at B. Matthew's.  It was quite yummy and oh so very southern!  There were fried green tomatoes, pimento cheese, cheese grits, and biscuits and gravy at the table. Oh, how I miss the deep south!

We walked around town and shopped a bit then stopped to have this picture taken of the whole group then went back to the hotel for more bachelorette activities! The goofy teenager that took this picture took a selfie of himself in between taking a picture of us.  haha!

On Saturday night we went out to dinner then to Savannah Smiles- a dueling piano bar.  It was SO MUCH FUN.  There were probably 4 other bachelorette parties there and [most] everyone we walked by said congratulations, asked when the date was, and told stories about their wedding.  We sang and we danced and had an absolute blast.  We ended the night at a place called saddlebags (they have a mechanical bull) and danced the rest of the night away.

I won't show you the after picture but we definitely had such an awesome weekend.  I can't wait for everyone to come together in 25 days for the wedding!!!!

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